NoDans Series on ModelGlue Reloaded Part 3

I'm finding Mindomo a bit of a pain to work with, there are some restrictions on the application that are starting to get me. However, I still think it is a good tool and has a lot of potential, not only that but I want to keep consistent with the MindMaps. I didn't want to recreate the first one I did and I didn't want to do this third part in some other system.
I think I'll just finish the whole series using Mindomo and then look for other more interesting options.

Anyhow, I went through part 3 of the series from Dan Wilson's blog and I broke all the information on 4 sections.
  1. Create the Bean that will hold data from the form.
  2. Create the Form that will gather data on the front end.
  3. Create the Action handler for the form once data is submitted.
  4. Something I called ColdSpring Magic. Dan creates a Service and wires the whole thing using Coldspring and Model Glue.

Dan uses a cool code generator called ROOIBOS.

I tried to put as much detail as possible but you can only go so far with mindomo.
Direct Link to mindmap of Part3 (opens full Size)

Apparently Mindomo has a set width and height, therefore if you open all branches at the same time some text will get cut off. I recommend keeping (2) and (3) open and then when you are ready for (4) collapse (2).
I want to make something clear, I'm doing this to help me understand how a ModelGlue application works. I'm using Dan Wilson's series since it is easy to digest and covers all the basics. I don't claim to be an expert on ModelGlue, this is a compliment effort to what Dan Wilson has on his website. You still have to read the entries on Dan's blog but hopefully all the verbose will make more sense if you have a graphical way of connecting things.

If anybody has questions about the mindmap please let me know.

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