Export Mylyn to a different computer

I've started working on a MacBook Pro and moved away from Windows thanks to the place where I work.
Honestly I have to say that the change has not been without pains. Keyboard configurations and short cuts have been the biggest pains so far. I know that for the most part they map just fine, however there's always that one hot-key that messes you up and makes you go "AAARRGGHH".

One of the things that I 100% cannot develop without is Mylyn, so as soon as I was able to install it in the Mac I was a happy dev. The issue I had is that I had a lot of tasks on the Windows computer that I wanted to have on the Mac. For a few of those I had uploaded the Context.zip file to the tracking system and I can easily recover my context of working files from there, however there were some notes and some local tasks that I didn't want to lose.

Luckily Mylyn as awesome as it is has an Export feature. Before getting rid of the old PC I did an export of all the tasks and sent myself the file.
I then did an import on the new installation and was able to see all previous tasks and context for those tasks.

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