Coldfusion on Ubuntu 7.10

Update It seems I spoke too soon, and I Was too tired to think straight. I was able to follow the steps and have Coldfusion installed, however I can't setup Apache to listen to CFM requests. I've been trying to run the ./ script and so far nothing happens, screen doesn't change and every time I try to open a .cfm page the server asks me if I want to download it.

wow, I've not been this excited about computers in a long time. 3:20AM and I'm still unable to go to sleep, even though I have to wake up early tomorrow (actually today, in a couple hours). Coldfusion was a little more tricky than the other ones. Most of the steps came from Installing ColdFusion 8 on Ubuntu Feisty Fawn. But the trick with the correct paths to all the files came from Installing ColdFusion 7 on Ubuntu Feisty Fawn
Add web server Configuration Apache
  1. What directory contains your Apache configuration file: /etc/apache2
  2. Where is the Apache program binary file?: /usr/sbin/apache2
  3. Where is the control file that you use to start and stop the Apache web server?: /etc/init.d/apache2

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