That was a long snooze

Haven't entered anything for months, not that I didn't have anything to write about, just lack of time and too many things going on actually, one of them called Summer. It was a great summer, the kids enjoyed and so did we. Back to business. I've contacted people in Bolivia to start ( finish actually) a couple projects to get my Bachelors degree. I decided to finish things from college now that we've settled down, don't plan on having more kids and have a stable job. The projects are related to things I work with on a daily basis. One of them is an online game similar to Yahtzee created exclusively for my website This will require PHP, MySQL and a good understanding of the Joomla framework. I've used the admin options of Joomla for over a year but never really got into messing with the code. This is my chance. The second project is a hybrid CRM system/Project Management System for construction companies in Bolivia. This will require Coldfusion 8.0 and MySQL. I'm excited about this one since I'll be playing with the new features Coldfusion offers and at the same time I'll get my feet wet in the Model-Glue waters. For those who don't know, Model-Glue is a development framework for Coldfusion apps. Lots of things happening. I guess I'll be posting more often now that I have projects outside work.

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