Giant steps on ModelGlue

It seems to me that I was over my head when I started looking at the Model-Glue Series from Ray Camden. I started looking for more information on the web and I found two great resources, Dan Wilson and Doug Boude. These two guys have great information on Model Glue. Right now I'm making giant steps on Model Glue thanks to the following Great video posting here, it explains a lot about the ModelGlue Framework and how things connect between Model, Views and Controllers. I recommend people trying to learn ModelGlue check the video. This series is just amazing, I had done the two initial parts and I liked them because they are easy to understand and the reading is simple but packed with a lot of information. I started following Posting #3 of the series and I was blown away by the reference to Rooibos Generator. Are you kidding me? I spent so much time doing the getters and setters before that now that I found this nifty app I don't know if I'll ever do it again. Great stuff, really great stuff. Once I get a good understanding of the whole thing and I'm done with the tutorials I'll have to create a small app from scratch and post here all the steps. çB^]\..


Doug said...

Thanks so much for the kudos on the Modelglue info I share with everyone. If there's any gap I've not covered (that I understand myself), let me know and I'll be sure to try and fill it in for ya!

grtfercho said...

Hi Doug.
I left a question on your blog related to application security and dynamic content.

I may post something here on how I'm tackling the problem.